Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)

Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)
Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)

Come to our garden. Watch the spring there.

Come close to the Beloved

and see what kind of Beauty He is.


If you can’t reach the falcon, run after its shadow.

Watch the hunting in this secret hunting place. Continue reading “Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)”

This Burning (4/14/2024)

This Burning (4/14/2024)

O heart, you are under foot, always in ruins.

You leave your soul to sorrow,

getting so much pleasure from that sorrow.

This time, you have fallen into the fire and I have left you.

Maybe you will become a master through this burning.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 1, page 434.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (pub.summer 2024), Volume 3, Rubai 1104.

Don’t Make Me Talk with You through that Curtain (1/28/2024)

Don’t Make Me Talk with You through that Curtain (1/28/2024)

Since I am the slave of the Sun,

I should talk only about the Sun.

I am not the night and don’t worship the night.

Why should I talk about dreams? Continue reading “Don’t Make Me Talk with You through that Curtain (1/28/2024)”

In Every Prayer Niche and Alter (12/24/2023)

In Every Prayer Niche and Alter (12/24/2023)

There is a spark and warmth from Your Love

in everyone’s heart.

Your trace, the tears of Your longing

are in every prayer niche and alter.

I need a long night and beautiful moonlight to tell You

about all my troubles and sufferings caused by Love.

Rubailar (2016), Rubai 3, page 432.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pubsummer2024), Rubai 1084, Volume 3.

Man’s Heart is Like a Candle (6/25/2023)

Man’s Heart is Like a Candle (6/25/2023)

Man’s heart is like a candle; It should be lit and allowed to shine.

There is a void in your soul because of the separation from the Beloved.

That void needs repair.

Know, O ignorant one

who knows none of what makes or breaks a heart, who avoids pain and burning,

Love is something to be encountered, not knowledge to be learned.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai  4, page 468

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (, Rubai 1002, Volume 3.

Become Divine Light (5/14/2023)

Become Divine Light (5/14/2023)

You will be purified from bad habits

by fasting.

You will follow the ascent of the attained ones to the sky

by fasting.

You will be burned like a candle

by the fire of fasting.

Become divine light.

The darkness of a bite makes you a morsel for the ground.

Rubailer (2016), 4ubai 4, page 461.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations, Volume 3, rubai 982.

Is There a Remedy…? (4/16/2023)

Is There a Remedy…? (4/16/2023)

Is there a remedy for this pain?

Will I ever escape from my longing for You?

You said, “Plant the sapling of patience in your heart.

Do not lament and complain about being seized

by the torment of Love.”

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 2, page 260.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations ( 2023), Rubai 526, Volume 2.