I am the Treasure (2/28/2021)

I am the Treasure (2/28/2021)

I wasn’t as insane as I am now.

I wasn’t out of my mind like this before.


I used to be prudent and wise once,

not crazy and insane like I am now.


Before now, I used to hunt like other lovers.

I wasn’t into blood like the heart is now.


I used to keep inquiring

“What is this? What is that?”

I wasn’t an admirer of that Absolute Being.


Since your mind is in your head, sit down and think.

It seems like I was like this before.

I didn’t just become like this.


I used to try to be better than everyone else,

because I hadn’t fallen into that Love

which increases day by day.


I used to smoke with anger.

In fact, I used to spread over the entire desert.


In the end, I was raised from the ground like treasure,

because I am not a man who keeps looking for treasure.

I am the treasure.

Divan-i Kebir, Volume 18, Ghazal 127, verses 1258-1265, page 41.

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