You would never consider praising or loving Yourself.
But, You are so beautiful.
If You were to show Yourself,
both worlds would start fighting each other.
You are the wine. We are the jar.
You are the water. We are the riverbed.
You have no place, no home,
but wherever we turn, You are there.
How could a heart become Your slave, Your servant?
How could an eye become capable of seeing You?
How could words manage to get out of the mouth to ask,
“Where are You?”
What did You whisper in my heart’s ear
that made it start laughing and becoming untidy?
What did You give to this cane’s mouth
that made it start chewing sugar?
What kind of exuberance do You give to wine?
What kind of taste do You give to honey?
What kind of thoughts do You give to the mind
to make it start contemplating such great ideas?
The Earth is adorned by designs because of You.
The hearts of all creatures change from one state to another
because of You.
Pleasantness is increased or decreased because of You.
Joy becomes more cheerful because of You.
Amazing things become astounding because of You.
Kindness and favors become tastier to the lips and mouth
because of You.
You are magnificent and keep giving gifts to everyone everywhere.
You are the One who looks for wounded and tired hearts.
You console and comfort them when things get out of hand.
You are the One who brings new troubles,
but those new troubles become the cure for them.
The clouds cry because of You.
Lightning smiles because of You.
All things happen because of You.
You are the source of devotion.
The Divan-i Kebir, Volume 22, Ghazal 53, verses 674-581, pages 159-160.