The Time of Union Has Come (10/6/2024)

The Time of Union Has Come (10/6/2024)

Assume I am a thorn, a bad one.

But, the thorn and rose go together.

When a jeweler weighs gold,

he puts barley as a weight on the other side of the scale. Continue reading “The Time of Union Has Come (10/6/2024)”

The Land of Truth (5/19/2024)

The Land of Truth (5/19/2024)

Hey, night guard, what kind of guard are you anyway?

A thief stole all of our belongings last night.


Slap cold water on your face.

Yell and scream.

Our gains became a loss because of your sleep. Continue reading “The Land of Truth (5/19/2024)”

On the Way to the Beloved’s Love (1/21/2024)

On the Way to the Beloved’s Love (1/21/2024)

You won’t taste ecstasy as long as you are sober.

You won’t know the soul if you stay in your body.

You will never reach the Truth

if you are not annihilated

like fire and water mixed together

on the way to the Beloved’s Love.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 2, page 450.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (ApprxPubSpring2024), Rubai 1083, Volume 3.

Become the Essence of Love (10/1/2023)

Become the Essence of Love (10/1/2023)

If you turn around Saturn,

you become Saturn.

If you turn around a saint, you become a saint.

If you turn around the mine of Truth, you become a ruby.

If you turn around the Beloved,

you become the Essence of Love.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 4, page 481.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, the Ergin Translations (, Rubai 1031, Volume 2.

Knocking (4/18/2021)

Today, I am on the outside of a circle,

as if I am standing on the outside of a door.

I have become friends with the door knocker,

and I am holding onto it, knocking fearlessly.

Once I become a true companion of vision,

I will get through that door.

I will get into that circle,

and once I get in, I will stay there forever.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #1, page 302.

No Signs, No Tricks, No Traces (9/27/2020)

No Signs, No Tricks, No Traces (9/27/2020)

The mind may give you what you think is evidence.

Love gives you the Beloved, the Friend.

What comes from the mind is dirty water.

What comes from the Beloved is the Water of Life.

You may ascend to the sky with all the signs of a lover’s journey,

all the evidence which your mind so freely gives.

But in the sky, you will find no signs, no tricks, no traces.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi (2021), Rubai 1376 (Volume 3). 

Only a Fool Says… (8/16/2020)

Only a Fool Says… (8/16/2020)

Union with God cannot be achieved

until a person completely annihilates his self.

Such a Union is not the merging of two to make one.

Union is your total annihilation.

Absurdity doesn’t turn falsehood into Truth.

Only a fool says, “Everything is God.”

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #2, page 179

Only a Fool Says… (6/21/2020)

Only a Fool Says… (6/21/2020)

Union with God cannot be achieved

until a person has completely annihilated his self.

Such a Union is not the merging of two to make one.

Union requires your total annihilation.

Absurdity does not turn falsehood into Truth.

Only a fool says, “Everything is God.”

Rubailer (2016, Rubai #2, page 179)

Throw Away This Image (10/7/18)

Throw Away This Image (10/7/18)

The words which come from the soul are a curtain to the soul.

The fog which comes from the sea hides the coast and the pearls of that sea.


It is a great task to get involved in philosophical discourses.

But, the explanation is the curtain to the Sun of the Truth. Continue reading “Throw Away This Image (10/7/18)”

Only a Fool Says… (9/2/18)

Only a Fool Says… (9/2/18)

Union with God cannot be achieved

until a person completely annihilates his self.

Such a union is not the merging of two to make one.

Union is your total annihilation.

Absurdity doesn’t turn falsehood into Truth.

Only a fool says, “Everything is God.”

Rubailer (2016), Page 179, Rubai #2