Reading Rumi

Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)

Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)
Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)

Come to our garden. Watch the spring there.

Come close to the Beloved

and see what kind of Beauty He is.


If you can’t reach the falcon, run after its shadow.

Watch the hunting in this secret hunting place. Continue reading “Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)”

This Burning (4/14/2024)

This Burning (4/14/2024)

O heart, you are under foot, always in ruins.

You leave your soul to sorrow,

getting so much pleasure from that sorrow.

This time, you have fallen into the fire and I have left you.

Maybe you will become a master through this burning.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 1, page 434.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (pub.summer 2024), Volume 3, Rubai 1104.

Today! (3/31/2024)

Today! (3/31/2024)

Today is the day of celebration,

celebration day, celebration day, celebration day!

Today is the day of glory,

bright day, bright day, bright day!

This Love is being revealed, revealed, revealed!

Today is the day Love is saying goodbye to reason.

Goodbye reason! Goodbye! Goodbye!

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 2, page 277.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pubspring2024), Rubai 1364, Volume 3.

How Can You Look for the Unknown? (3/17/2024)

How Can You Look for the Unknown? (3/17/2024)

O heart, what kind of stories, what kind of adventures

are you looking for?

O heart, if you are looking for Me,

don’t you know that I am with you?

If you haven’t seen Me,

how can you look for the unknown, the unseen?

If you have seen Me, why are you still looking?

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 4, page 433.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, the Ergin Translations (pub.2024), Volume 3, Rubai 1100.

How Could I Ever Forget? (3/3/2024)

How Could I Ever Forget? (3/3/2024)

O One who reminded me last night,

reminded me of that moment of exuberance,

reminded me of the forgotten treasure!

How could I ever forget such a blessing?

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 1, page 424.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (, Volume 3, rubai 1090.

The King is Leading You (2/18/2024)

The King is Leading You (2/18/2024)

O one who searches for an escape route,

do you think you control life?

The King is leading you.

Don’t try to make yourself more important than the King.

He is the One who turns the poor one into the King of kings

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 4, page 424.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprxpub2024), Rubai 1087, Volume 3.