I Prefer Silence (7/7/2024)

I Prefer Silence (7/7/2024)

You have said so many times,

“I have given up words. I prefer silence.”

Yet, you turn around words,

so much so that you have turned into talk.

You sail with word’s ship on the sea of thought,

that sea which you have not yet renounced

and which word’s ship never will.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 2, page 454.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations, Rubai 1145, Volume 3.

If You Were… You Would… (9/10/2023)

If You Were… You Would… (9/10/2023)

If you were out of your self like we are,

if you were also drunk,

you would have already broken the halo around the moon,

ascended the heights of the sky and sat there. Continue reading “If You Were… You Would… (9/10/2023)”

Is There a Remedy…? (4/16/2023)

Is There a Remedy…? (4/16/2023)

Is there a remedy for this pain?

Will I ever escape from my longing for You?

You said, “Plant the sapling of patience in your heart.

Do not lament and complain about being seized

by the torment of Love.”

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 2, page 260.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pub.Fall 2023), Rubai 526, Volume 2.

It’s better to be a Fool with Love… (10/2/2022)

Be a Fool with Love (10/2/2022)

It’s better to be a fool with Love than to be a wise scholar,

better to become dirt on the road than to be a moon in the sky.

Become one with good and bad, young and old.

Be a pawn, then a vizier, then later, a king.

Rubailer (2016), rubai 4, page 391.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pub. 7/2023), rubai 894, volume 2.

Enough! (6/12/2022)

Enough! (6/12/2022)

Man makes plans and takes appropriate measures,

but he doesn’t know his fate.

Once God enters the scene,

all his plans and measures disappear.


Man thinks, but his sight is limited.

He uses all his cunning, but he is far from being Godly.


If he is successful when he takes two steps, he takes two more.

He has no idea in what direction God will pull him next.


Don’t be ostentatious.

Yearn for the kingdom of Love.

Love is the One to save you from the angel of death.


Be silent. Choose a place. Settle down.

Wherever you choose, that King will set you up there.


You can be sure that all the people you see

are in the prison of death.

A prisoner cannot get you out of jail.



How long are you going to flirt with the blind?

How long are you going to yell at the deaf?

Divan-i Kebir, Volume 20, Ghazal 25, verses 267-273, pages 51-52.

Not Even a Small Part of This Comes from the Sky (11/21/2021)

Not Even a Small Part of This Comes from the Sky (11/21/2021)

Is there a lip from which the smell of soul isn’t coming right now?

Is there a particle of the heart in which a trace of Him doesn’t reside?


If there are no provisions coming from that famous table,

why is every particle chewing cud like a camel? Continue reading “Not Even a Small Part of This Comes from the Sky (11/21/2021)”