The Shrill Pipe of Love (6/3/18)

The Shrill Pipe of Love (6/3/18)

You are coming our way. You are a decent person.

We are also nice.

In appearance we look like fire,

but we are the Fountain of Life for you.


You are a small pigeon. You were born in this nest.

If you don’t come this way on your own, we will pull you by force.


Be in our temple. We are in the temple of that Beauty,

becoming drunk on His wine, the wine that comes only from Him.


We stand at our place like a mountain, but we flow like a torrent.

We keep silent like that, but sometimes yell and scream like thunder.


Although like fate we kill people for no reason,

you have a soul that resembles the sea.

Put it in your palm and come to us.


Our part of ownership of these five senses is only a short five days.

But, there are six dimensions and we are a sultan in each one of them.


We are following the shrill pipe of Love.

Our breath is sharp. Our voice caresses the soul,

because we keep playing the vessel of the soul, crying for you.


You concern yourself with the matters of Love.

If you are sincere, don’t look for a bed and a pillow.

We have welcomed this illness caused by our desire to reach the Mine.

We haven’t welcomed it out of love for a bed and pillow.


The light of the sky, the praise of Tebriz is our Shamseddin.

Because of that Sun, our insides have turned out to be the sky

and the self has become the Moon.

Divan-i Kebir, Meter 10, Gazel 71, Verses 749-757, Pages 155-156.

Our Peace is No Good (5/6/18)

Our Peace is No Good (5/6/18)

There is a Beauty whose face resembles the Sun.

The nicest curtain is the shadow cast by Him.


He rises like the Sun. Particles become restless.

For goodness sake, don’t keep that Spring-like face behind the curtain. Continue reading “Our Peace is No Good (5/6/18)”

There is … No Remedy…Except You (11/26/17)

There is… No Remedy … Except You (11/26/17)

O my Life who adds Soul to my soul, lift the curtain.

O One who takes care of my grief, who is willing to stay with me all night long!


O One who hears my cries, timely and untimely!

O One who puts fire into every atom of my being! Continue reading “There is … No Remedy…Except You (11/26/17)”

Absence Is for Heroes (11/12/17)

Absence Is for Heroes (11/12/17)

Once more, we have given up our heart, mind and soul.

The Beloved has come. We will stay out of the way.


We have turned our back on existence.  Our direction is Absence.

We have found the One whose trace is unseen.

We have given up the trace. Continue reading “Absence Is for Heroes (11/12/17)”