I am at Peace with Him (11/18/18)

No One Is a Stranger There (11/18/18)

Every mind becomes confused when it sees Your face.

Every face is scratched by Your Absence.


I have become drunk because of Your reproach.

I don’t even know if Your pure wine is better than a sedimented one. Continue reading “I am at Peace with Him (11/18/18)”

“If You Are Looking for a Remedy…” (4/22/18)

“If You Are Looking for a Remedy…” (4/22/18)

I said, “O heart, you are in deep trouble.”

He responded, “I am content with my situation. Are you?”

I answered, “You need a remedy for your mind.”

He said, “If you are looking for a remedy, you are crazy.”

Rubailer, Page 460, Rubai #1

Absence Is for Heroes (11/12/17)

Absence Is for Heroes (11/12/17)

Once more, we have given up our heart, mind and soul.

The Beloved has come. We will stay out of the way.


We have turned our back on existence.  Our direction is Absence.

We have found the One whose trace is unseen.

We have given up the trace. Continue reading “Absence Is for Heroes (11/12/17)”